St Mary’s Basketball Club Policies
SMBC Playing Up Policy
SMBC Team Selection Policy
SMBC Registration Policy
SMBC Registration Fees and Refund Policy
SMBC Parents' and Players' Codes of Conduct - Extended version
SMBC Parents' and Players' Code of Conduct - Summary
SMBC Coaching Policy
SMBC Privacy and Confidentiality Policy
SMBC Concussion & Serious Injury and Serious Illness Policy
SMBC Child Safe Environment Policy
SMBC Critical Incident, Serious Injury, Trauma and Illness Policy
Basketball Victoria Policies
Basketball Victoria Codes of Conduct
Basketball is intended to be a recreational activity for enjoyment and health. These code of conduct has been developed by Basketball Victoria to give participants some guide to the expectations it has on those participants. It is intended to assist everyone to obtain the maximum benefit and enjoyment from their involvement in basketball. As a result, the quality of participation will be improved so people are more likely to start and continue their involvement in basketball. Enjoy!!
Basketball Victoria Photography Policy
Basketball Victoria recognises that there are many legitimate reasons why still and video photography at sports is very common and does not wish to unnecessarily restrict or curb that photography.
DVBA Policies

Diamond Valley Basketball Association’s Statement of Commitment to Child Safety